Green World Livergen Capsules, Uses, Benefits, Green World Ghana, Health product prices

Green World Livergen Capsule

Key knowledge on Green World Livergen Capsule:

About Liver: Liver is the largest glandular organ that sits on the right side of the abdomen. The liver has well over 500 functions and is known as the laboratory of the human body. The liver is tied to all bodily processes because it is responsible for filtration of all incoming foods and fluids. The body relies upon the liver to remove toxins and it is connected to every disease or dysfunction that is happening inside the body.

1.Metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, thus providing energy and nutrients
2.Stores vitamins, minerals, and sugars
3.Filters the blood and helps remove harmful chemicals and bacteria
4.Creates bile which breaks down fats
5.Stores extra blood that can be quickly released when needed
6.Creates serum proteins that maintain fluid balance and act as carriers
7.Helps maintain electrolyte and water balance
8.Creates immune substances such as gamma globulin
9.Breaks down and eliminates excess hormones
10.Synthesizes urea, constructs blood protein, interconverts amino acids
11.Constructs 50,000 systems of enzymes to govern metabolic activities throughout the body
12.Removes damaged red blood cells

This is only part of the long list of liver function. It is still uncertain exactly how many functions the liver is responsible for .

Liver Disease: Many factors are culprits of live diseases. These include infection of hepatitis B, unhealthy diet, air pollution, cigarette smoking, prolonged fatigue, sever flu, and so on.

How does Livergen Capsule help?

Green World Livergen Capsule improves the hepatic blood flow and the microcirculation in the liver; promotes the regeneration of the impaired liver cells. It gradually renews the normal function of liver that has been attacked and improves the detox function of the liver