Cardio Power, Danshen Combo, Green World Cardio Power, Ingredients, Benefits, Prices,  Heart Health

Green World Cardio Power 

Green World Cardio Power Capsule: Cardio Vascular Care Supplement.

World Brand Cardio Power Capsule is to improve blood-oxygen supply, increase coronary blood flow, reduce the resistance of proximal blood vessel and improve blood deficiency. It is very effective to reduce the burden of heart and its oxygen consumption; expand the coronary artery; alleviate the chest stuffiness, suffocation, pericardia pain; prevent angina, arrhythmia, and myocardial infarction; and to treat coronary heart disease.

Characteristics and benefits:

Decrease blood lipid, blood viscosity, prevents platelet aggregation, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
Dilates arteries which supply blood to the brain and heart; increases coronary blood flow, improves blood supply to brain and heart.
Dilates coronary artery, can be used for alleviating symptoms of angina pectoris

Green World Cardio Power Capsule Suitable for :

People with hypertension, high blood lipid, high blood viscosity
People with atherosclerosis
People has angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, and/or other coronary artery diseases
People during rehabilitation of myocardial infarction